To modify your Prestashop URL you have to follow a short procedure in a few steps:
- Log-in to your CMS Dashboard as Admin;
- Click on "Preferences" and then on "SEO & URL";
- Go to "Set shop url";
- In the "Shop domain" field, type the new domain you want to use for Prestashop;
- In the "SSL domain" type the new domain you want to use for Prestashop;
- In the "BASE URL" field, type the BASE URL (if Prestashop is installed on root /public_html, the BASE URL will only be /. Otherwise, if it's in another directory, the base url will be /directory);
- Save the new setting to modify URL.
For Prestashop previous versions, you have to modify URL manually, with an intervention on the database tables. You have to:
- Log-in to your cPanel control panel;
- In the "Database" section, select the "phpMyAdmin" function;
- Click on "Prestashop Database" (the database name is usually username_name-of-db, where the username is the same you use for your hosting);
- Click on "ps_configuration" chart;
- Order columns by name;
- In the "Name" column select PS_SHOP_DOMAIN line, click on the value and type the new domain you want to use for Prestashop;
- In the "Name" column select the PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL line, click on the value and type the new domain you want to use for Prestashop;
- Exit "phpMyAdmin";
- In cPanel's "Files" section, click on "File Manager";
- Access to the folder where Prestashop is installed and open the "Config" folder;
- Click on "" and then on "Edit";
- Select the _PS_BASE_URL_ line and modify the value with the base url;
- Save changes;
- Log-in to your Prestashop Dashboard;
- Click on "Tools" and "Generators";
- Select ".htaccess file generation" and then click on "Generate .htaccess file" to generate a new .htaccess with the new URL.