Register your
domain .recipes

Register your . domain for only € 49.00

Why choose a .RECIPES domain?

Cooking has always been a communal activity, connecting families, neighborhoods, regions, even whole countries. The .recipes TLD (top-level domain) brings that tradition to the internet, providing an online gathering place where chefs, foodies and friends can share old family recipes and/or new ideas about good food.

Is a .RECIPES domain extension right for me?

It's the ideal site naming choice for cuisine blogs, organizations that collect recipes, cooking forums, and anyone who wants to participate in the global cooking community. Any individual, business or group may register this TLD. Register your own .recipes domain name today.

New domain extensions for your online projects

Make your online business unique starting from the domain name. Stand out with the new gTLD extensions to make your site and your brand unique.

Choose an extension
Choose an extension

Already chosen the most suitable domain extensions for your website? Search all available domains and register the name you prefer.

Register your domain
Register your domain

Complete the order for your domain name and combine the web hosting service perfect for your online business.

You're online!
You're online!

Complete the order and you are online! Start working with new gTLD domains right away, customizing your website.

Frequent Asked Questions