- *The free domain is available forever if you choose one of the following extensions:: .IT , .ORG.
Hosting features
SSL Certificate
A Free SSL Certificate is included in the Social Hosting plan.
cPanel™ Panel
Included in the Social Hosting plan. Easy to use and to manage your website.
Try cPanel control panel.
Instant Activation
Your new web space will be instantly online.
Basic Features
Web Domain included with DNS management
10GBweb space
Unlimited,Monthly traffic,
,cPanel™ control panel and unlimited subdomains.
Programming & Db
Unlimited MySQL Database.phpMyAdmin Management. Languages: PHP, Perl, Ruby on Rails Access to files with FTP or cPanel file Manager.
E-mail Features
Unlimited POP, IMAP and SMTP mailboxes. Webmail for each mailbox. Forward and alias included. Mailbox up to 10GB.
Hosting Security
Free SSL Let's Encrypt Certificate, (SLA) 99.99% guaranteed. Log error and access. You can check graphics to supervise your resources.
Optimized for WordPress
Your web space is configured for WordPress.
24/7/365 Support
Keliweb support is online 24/7/365.
24h backup
You can create or restore a backup copy any time you need.
99,99% uptime
Our mission is to keep your services always online.
Create a web space for your social project