All services available on our website are identified with a unique code. If you need to link correctly one of the products please check the full Services codes list (PID) for the related code to each product as it follows.
Linux Hosting Services
- KeliUser Linux: 815
- KeliPRO Linux: 18
- KeliCMS: 19
- KeliSSL: 156
- KeliStarter Linux: 511
- Magento Pro: 622
- Magento Basic: 620
- Magento Business: 624
- Prestashop Hosting: 288
- WordPress Hosting Start: 837
- WordPress Hosting Play: 839
- WordPress Hosting Premium: 841
- WordPress Hosting Corporate: 843
- Joomla Hosting: 294
Windows Hosting Services
- KeliUser Plesk Windows: 290
- KeliPRO Plesk Windows: 291
- KeliSSL Plesk Windows: 293
Mail Services
- KeliMail Base: 571
- KeliMail PRO: 573
- KeliMail Full: 575
- Dedicated Mail Server Server PRO: 166
Hosting Services for Web Agencies - Partner Program
- Partner Member: 637
- Partner Advanced: 639
- Partner Value: 641
- Partner Premium: 643
Cloud Hosting
- Cloud H1 Litespeed: 959
- Cloud H2 Litespeed: 961
- Cloud H3 Litespeed: 963
Dedicated Servers
- Xeon E3 2236: 921
- Xeon 8C/16T: 939
- Xeon 10C/20T: 937
- Intel Core i9: 853
- Xeon 16C/32T: 941
- 2 x Xeon 10C/20T: 943
- 2 x Xeon 16C/32T: 945
- Xeon Gold 6138: 865
- VPS Prime: 583
- VPS Essential: 585
- VPS Biz: 587
- VPS Value: 589
- VPS Enterprise: 591
- VPS Full: 593
- EC1: 771
- EC2:773
- EC3:767
- EC4:769