Webmail allows you to send and receive e-mails without configuring any e-mail client but using a common browser (such as, for example, Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Safari, etc,) from any kind of device (such as Mac, laptops, smartphones or tablets).
To check your e-mails type in your browser's search bar your domain name followed by /webmail (for example, mydomain.com/webmail) or, as alternative, type webmail.mydomain.com (replacing mydomain.com with your domain name). To log-in type your e-mail address and password. If you've lost your password you can set it again using cPanel.
Log-in and choose a webmail application between Horde and Roundcube. The only difference between the two applications stands in graphic: they both process the same operations.
Click on "Set as current" to choose your application to send and receive your e-mails.