Come Volocizzare Drupal

Drupal is a generic CMS can be adapted to many types of websites. With modules it can be used for entering and editing content, search the site, provide RSS feeds, record and manage user accounts, and many others. Written in PHP also allows you to have strength and security, it allowed its widespread use.

Activate the CDN Now!

college Drupal Integration

Here we will show you how to integrate the CDN on your Drupal website.

PS: Before you make any changes we raccomend to you to make a full backup of your website.

right Plugin Installation

  • Download and unzipp the CDN extension for drupal at this link:
  • Log in administrator Drupal panel of your website
  • Click on tab Modules
  • Click on Install module
  • Click on Choose File and select the unzipped files
  • Click on Install
  • Click on Active to enable the new module.
  • Verify if it is active and click on Save Configuration

right CDN Extension Configuration for Drupal

Identify the CDN module and click on Configure

You will be redirected on the configuration section with this 3 tab: General, Details, Other

Ottimizzare Drupal

right Tab General - CDN Module

There are only 3 options on this tab:

  • Enable
  • Disable
  • Testing Mode
Ottimizzare Drupal

In testing mode only the users with permission can see the content in the CDN. This is ideal for testing whether the CDN integration is working progress.

If you mark Display Statistic the users with permission can view the statisticgli utenti con il permesso potranno visualizzare le statistiche in fondo alla pagina.

right Tab Details - CDN Module

You can find two options:

  • Origin Pull
  • File Conveyor

If you don't know which one to use select Origin Pull, it is default configuration.

CDN mapping allows you to define which file will be replicated on the CDN network. Paste the CDN link or the CNAME that you received by email.

The last option is Far Future expiration. If you active it all static content,as image, video etc it will be compressed and you will get the best performance. Your visitors will have in cache the last version of your website. You must always update all file of your Drupal website. Anyway you must manual update the files and configurare the cache expiration time.

Ottimizzare Drupal

CDN is now active and you can test it if the test mode is enabled.

network Test the CDN Setup

Once the static files are replicated to the CDN, browse your website and right click on the page. Select "Inspect" or "View Source".

If the configuration is successful, the URLs that looked like this:

will now look like this: